Monday, January 2, 2012

Count Your Blessings

Things have been busy and stressful in the Astley house these days.  We are getting ready for Alex's surgery a week from today and trying to get everything (school, therapies, appointments, etc.) squared away between now and then.  We also have an ultrasound scheduled to check out Kaitlyn's liver and make sure everything is functioning the way it's supposed to--and to add to the fun I went to the doctor last week and got some news . . . nothing major . . .and will have to schedule an appointment with a surgeon for myself.  Jacob and I have gotten to the point where we just shrug our shoulders and say, "It is what it is."

Today I was sitting in the waiting room at Sensational Kids waiting on Alex to finish his occupational therapy session.  A woman came in pushing a little girl in a wheel chair.  She was strapped into this fancy wheel chair, leaned back, and hooked up to oxygen.  Every time she took a breath it was wheezy.  She started making sounds and her mother excitedly said, "Are you talking?  That's my big girl.  Do it again."  The little girl smiled and tried to talk--which just came out as groans and grunts.  The mom said, "Hi.  Say, 'hi'"  The girl groaned something that sounded like "hi" and the mom rubbed her arm and said, "That's my big girl.  I'm so proud of you."  The little girl, who looked to be maybe four or five years old, smiled so big and kept trying to say "hi."

I sat and watched her with a smile on my face and thought about my own children. Jacob has said (on more than one occasion) that there is always some one who has it worse than you do.  This is true.  We haven't been focusing on the negative in our house so don't get me wrong.  With all the medical issues that have come up lately we have been busy--and I won't lie and say that we aren't nervous about our son having surgery next week--but, as the saying goes, things could be worse.  Watching that little girl struggle to breathe and struggle just to say the word, "hi" really reminded me that we need to be thankful for what we DO have and not focus on all the stressful things going on in our world. My children don't have any terminal illnesses, they have plenty to eat, and everything they could possibly need (and a ton of things they don't need but think they do. . . LOL).

So, with that amazing little girl in mind today I am counting my blessings.

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