Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rain When I Die

So, today, I am posting a song by a band that I really, really, really like.  I had heard a couple of songs by them and then, when I met Jacob, he really liked them.  He owned several of their CDs and he told me to borrow them because he thought I might like the band.  I listened to them and I didn't like them--I loved them.  They have a really cool, grungy sound and the lead singer's voice is amazing. I always thought Layne Staley was an attractive guy.  He died several years ago and every time I hear this song I find it ironic and I wonder, "Did it rain when he died?"  I was running errands yesterday evening and my iPod was playing random alternative/hard rock songs and this song came on.  I have always liked this song--I like most of Alice In Chains songs.  They have a sound that not everyone likes, so if you don't like it, that is okay, but here's Rain When I Die by Alice In Chains.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to lie, I'm not a fan of Alice In Chains. Sorry! I do know about Staley. I watched as Mike Starr went through Celeb Rehab. He was the last known person to see Staley alive. I remember how guilty he felt and how much of that burden he carried around. It was sad. His meeting with Staley's mom while in rehab was a hard one to watch.
